strong textCanvas Admin is a sleek, responsive admin theme that allows you to get your project started quickly and with ease. Included are multiple example pages, elements styles, and javascript widgets to get your project started.
- Bootstrap 3.0
- Font Awesome 4.0
- jQuery 1.9.1
- jQuery UI 1.10.0
- Parsley Validation
- Bootstrap Date Picker
- Bootstrap Time Picker
- jQuery iCheck
- Simple Color Picker
- Select 2
- Jasny File Upload
- Textarea Autosize
- Textarea Counter
- Basic Tabs
- Pill Tabs
- Stacked Tabs
- Accordion
- Pricing Tables
- Social Feed
- Portlet Boxes
- Datatables
- Column Sorting
- Column Filtering
- Pagination
- Search
- Row Info
- Responsive Tables
- Checkable Table Plugin
- jQuery UI Sliders
- Growl Plugin
- Magnific Popup
- jQuery Full Calendar
- jQuery Sparkline
- Morris.js Charts
- Bar Chart
- Line Chart
- Area Chart
- Donut Chart
- jQuery Flot Charts
- Horizontal Bar
- Vertical Bar
- Pie
- Donut
- Area
- Line
- Scatter
- Stacked Horizontal
- Stacked Vertical
- Stacked Area
- Sample Pages
- Dashboard
- Profile
- Invoice
- Pricing Plans
- Support Page
- Gallery
- Settings
- Calendar
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Login
- Blank Page
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