Nifty is a responsive admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 3.3 framework. There are a lot of useful components. Build with Less CSS(less files are included). Easily maintain CSS with variables, mixins & more.

- Animate.css
- Bootbox
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Select
- Bootstrap Table
- Bootstrap Tagsinput
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap Validator
- Bootstrap Wizard
- Chosen
- Data Tables
- Dropzone
- Easy Pie Chart
- FastClick
- Flot Charts
- Foo Table
- Full Calendar
- Gauge.js
- jQuery resizeEnd
- Masked Input
- MetisMenu
- MorrisJS
- NanoScrollerJS
- noUiSlider
- Pace
- Sparkline
- Summernote
- Switchery
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