SpaceLab is a premium admin dashboard theme with a modern flat design. SpaceLab includes a wide range of features including powerful jQuery plugins and is built for easy implementation. It is fully responsive and built with the latest Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Media Queries. It can be used for all types of web applications, dashboards, and content managements systems.

- If you have already purchased SpaceLab you have access to get free updates, so be on the lookout for future enhancements. You can redownload all future updates by visiting this link https://wrapbootstrap.com/support/download-resender
- SpaceLab is an on going framework, have a suggestion or comment for the next update? I would love to hear about it, you can contact me here. https://wrapbootstrap.com/user/authenticgoodsco
- Built with Bootstrap v3.3.1
- HTML5 & CSS3
- CSS3 Animations
- Fully Responsive
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs
- C3js Chart
- Flot Chart
- Vector Maps
- Google Maps
- To Do List
- Alerts & Notifications
- Sliders & Progress Bars
- Font Awesome Icons
- Nestable Sortable Lists
- Data Tables
- Form Validation
- Form Mask
- Form Wizard
- Bootstrap WYSIHTML5 & CKEditor
- Mail App Design
- Full Calendar
- Timeline
- Login & Sign Up pages
- 404 & 500 Pages
- Drag and Drop File Uploader
- Custom Checkbox & Radio Buttons
- And Much More!
Scripts used:
- Bootstrap v3.3.1 http://getbootstrap.com/
- bootstrap-slider.js http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-slider
- wysihtml5 https://github.com/xing/wysihtml5
- c3js http://c3js.org/
- Chart.js http://www.chartjs.org/
- CKEditor http://ckeditor.com/
- CountTo https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo
- Data Tables https://datatables.net/
- DropZone http://www.dropzonejs.com/
- iCheck http://fronteed.com/iCheck/
- jvectormap http://jvectormap.com/
- Full Calendar http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/
- Masked Input http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin/
- Messenger http://github.hubspot.com/messenger/
- morrisjs http://www.oesmith.co.uk/morris.js/
- nanoScrollerJS http://jamesflorentino.github.io/nanoScrollerJS/
- Nestable - https://github.com/dbushell/Nestable
- jQuery Validation https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation
- wayPoints http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/
- Wizard http://exacttarget.github.io/fuelux/
- navgoco https://github.com/tefra/navgoco
- switchery http://abpetkov.github.io/switchery/
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