Download Sheldon - Awesome Bootstrap Theme - v2.5

UPGRADE Bootstrap With 365 UI Components - Boot Extended

Bootstrap Themes
Sheldon Features:
  1. Most amazing user interface design ever made.
  2. Lots of jquery slide blocks.
  3. Blank page to build your own pages.
  4. Wooden background.
  5. Sidebar navigation menu and search box.
  6. Sidebar menu supports icons and dropdown.
  7. Mini blocks in sidebar like weather block, progress block, etc.,
  8. Head bar shows the quick status with charts.
  9. Big charts are based on jQuery Flot plugin.
  10. Mini charts are based on jQuery sparklines plugin.
  11. Knob chart are based on jQuery knob plugin.
  12. All charts are fast and responsive and look perfect in all devices.
  13. Home page has TV window like UI.
  14. Quick widget section to disable or enable features like brightness, wifi, gps, etc.,
  15. Mini quick post section.
  16. Big map on home page shows the reports.
  17. Below header there are three mini tables showing reports.
  18. Go to top button on bottom right corner.
  19. Quick status widget on right side.
  20. Notification widget in left side shows messages, chats and users.
  21. On top there is another slide down blog with charts and quick settings.
  22. Unique 404 error page.
  23. Calendar page based on full calendar plugin.
  24. Curve chart, bar chart, real-time chart and pie chart.
  25. You can increase or decrease the speed of the real time chart.
  26. Error log page to catch all errors generated with colors.
  27. Some individual pages supports bootstrap nav tabs.
  28. Extensions page shows the list of extensions.
  29. New extensions page with search, upload and tag search.
  30. Gallery page to showcase images in your server.
  31. Invoice page shows the layout of invoice.
  32. Most innovative lock page with users and password sections.
  33. Login, Register and Contact. All in single page.
  34. Login, Register, Contact page uses bootstrap nav tabs.
  35. Media page shows the list of medias in table format.
  36. Posts page shows list of posts. You can also add new posts.
  37. Profile page to view, edit profile.
  38. Recent activity is supported in profile page.
  39. Statement page with statement interface.
  40. Tables page showcase different table UI.
  41. Users page to view, add and search users.
  42. This theme also supports dynamic tables using data tables plugin.
  43. UI page shows all UI designs.
  44. Horizontal and vertical slider based on jQuery UI plguin.
  45. Bootstrap switch plugin.
  46. jQuery star rating plugin.
  47. Project widget with project activity.
  48. File upload widget with progress bar support.
  49. Server widget shows server status.
  50. Extensions widget shows the extensions used.
  51. Pages widget with page list.
  52. You can add scroll bar to widget with dynamic height. Slimscroll plugin.
  53. Chat widget to chart with your friends.
  54. Tasks widgets for managing tasks. Supports priority.
  55. Referrer widget shows referrer browser and os.
  56. Quick post widget to add posts quickly.
  57. Support ticket widget to view tickets.
  58. Contact widget shows list of contacts.
  59. Fully based on bootstrap.
  60. Fully responsive.
  61. Uses google web fonts.
  62. Uses font awesome icons.

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