UPGRADE Bootstrap With 365 UI Components - Boot Extended

Sheldon Features:
- Most amazing user interface design ever made.
- Lots of jquery slide blocks.
- Blank page to build your own pages.
- Wooden background.
- Sidebar navigation menu and search box.
- Sidebar menu supports icons and dropdown.
- Mini blocks in sidebar like weather block, progress block, etc.,
- Head bar shows the quick status with charts.
- Big charts are based on jQuery Flot plugin.
- Mini charts are based on jQuery sparklines plugin.
- Knob chart are based on jQuery knob plugin.
- All charts are fast and responsive and look perfect in all devices.
- Home page has TV window like UI.
- Quick widget section to disable or enable features like brightness, wifi, gps, etc.,
- Mini quick post section.
- Big map on home page shows the reports.
- Below header there are three mini tables showing reports.
- Go to top button on bottom right corner.
- Quick status widget on right side.
- Notification widget in left side shows messages, chats and users.
- On top there is another slide down blog with charts and quick settings.
- Unique 404 error page.
- Calendar page based on full calendar plugin.
- Curve chart, bar chart, real-time chart and pie chart.
- You can increase or decrease the speed of the real time chart.
- Error log page to catch all errors generated with colors.
- Some individual pages supports bootstrap nav tabs.
- Extensions page shows the list of extensions.
- New extensions page with search, upload and tag search.
- Gallery page to showcase images in your server.
- Invoice page shows the layout of invoice.
- Most innovative lock page with users and password sections.
- Login, Register and Contact. All in single page.
- Login, Register, Contact page uses bootstrap nav tabs.
- Media page shows the list of medias in table format.
- Posts page shows list of posts. You can also add new posts.
- Profile page to view, edit profile.
- Recent activity is supported in profile page.
- Statement page with statement interface.
- Tables page showcase different table UI.
- Users page to view, add and search users.
- This theme also supports dynamic tables using data tables plugin.
- UI page shows all UI designs.
- Horizontal and vertical slider based on jQuery UI plguin.
- Bootstrap switch plugin.
- jQuery star rating plugin.
- Project widget with project activity.
- File upload widget with progress bar support.
- Server widget shows server status.
- Extensions widget shows the extensions used.
- Pages widget with page list.
- You can add scroll bar to widget with dynamic height. Slimscroll plugin.
- Chat widget to chart with your friends.
- Tasks widgets for managing tasks. Supports priority.
- Referrer widget shows referrer browser and os.
- Quick post widget to add posts quickly.
- Support ticket widget to view tickets.
- Contact widget shows list of contacts.
- Fully based on bootstrap.
- Fully responsive.
- Uses google web fonts.
- Uses font awesome icons.
- Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com
- jQuery - http://jquery.com
- HTML5Shiv - @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem
- Respond - Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas.
- Pattern - http://subtlepatterns.com/
- Photos - http://fotogrph.com/ & http://pixabay.com
- Sparkline - http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/
- jQuery Flot - http://flotcharts.org
- Bootstrap Switch - http://www.larentis.eu/switch/
- Gritter - http://boedesign.com/demos/gritter/
- FullCalendar - http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/
- Data Tables - http://datatables.net
- Knob - http://anthonyterrien.com/knob/
- prettyPhoto - http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com
- Rateit - http://rateit.codeplex.com/
- SlimScroll - http://rocha.la
- jQuery UI - http://jqueryui.com/
- Isotope - http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
- Waypoints - http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/
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