HOMER Admin Theme is a premium admin dashboard theme with flat design concept. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, LESS, Media query, AngularJS, Grunt and Bower. It has a main collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of small and medium webapp.We are release continuous long term updates and many new features will be coming soon in the near future updates. Once you purchased HOMER, you will be entitled to free download of all updates.
HOMER package contents
- Angular Full Version (Grunt/Bower)
- Angular Seed Project (Grunt/Bower)
- HTML/jQuery Full Version
- ASP.NET MVC5 Full version (VS 2013)
- Landing page for each version (AngularJS/jQuery/ASP.NET MVC)
- LESS files package
- Documentation
AngularJS version
HOMER is built with the latest technology contains well organized and coded controllers and directives written specifically to support angular framework. Angular version is writen with Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams. It is provided with full Grunt/Bower environment. In project folder you find also SeedProject. It is an application skeleton for a typical AngularJS web app.HTML/jQuery version
This version contains all components and plugin created with strict HTML and jQuery. This version is great if you are a PHP, Ruby or JAVA programmer. As each page is created separately it allows you to quickly implement it for your project by including needed resources. The code is very clean and clear so you should not have any problems with its implementation.ASP.NET MVC5 version
ASP.NET MVC5 is supported ASP.NET version of HOMER theme. This version contains a ASP.NET MVC5 project written in Visual Studio 2013 for .net developers. Project has implemented all the plug-ins and it is created in accordance with the convention MVC5 - Razor engine.Features
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Built with new Bootstrap 3.3
- Flat UI with clean aesthetic style
- Fluid view
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Social board view
- Wizard view
- Blog view
- Article page
- Projects view
- Forum view
- Extended forms
- Nestable list view
- Tour plugin
- Fixed sidebar
- Fixed navbar
- Mailbox view
- Gallery view
- Project detail view
- Landing page
- Widgets
- 3 different charts libraries
- Animations CSS3
- Various styles of tables
- Staggering Animations
- Well structured code
- Well organized code
- Custom bootstrap checkbox
- Profile view
- Custom alerts
- Special notifications
- Contacts view
- Google map
- Timeline view
- ngGrid tables
- Calendar view
- Customized modal view
- Unique Dashboard
- Special analytics view
- SeedProject
- Lock screen view
- Login, register, error pages
- and many more...
- Bootstrap css front-end framework.
- jQuery fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- Flot simple but powerful chart plugin
- FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar
- iCheck Custom radio and checkbox buttons
- jQueryUI set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery
- metisMenu Easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter bootstrap
- Peity simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <svg> mini, pie, line or bar chart
- Sparkline jQuery inline chart library
- Summernote Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap
- Unsplash all images from Unsplash - Free hi-resolution photos
- UiFaces all avatar faces from UiFaces
- UIrouter Angular solution to flexible routing with nested views
- UICalendar Directive for FullCalendar
- UIBootstrap Bootstrap directives for Angular
- AngularPeity Peity chart directive
- AngularFlot Flot chart directive
- AngularSummernote Summernote directive for Angular
- AngularChartJS ChartJs directive for Angular
- GoogleMapsApi Google maps API
- ngGrid NgGrid directive
- uiMap Google mpas directive
- Timeline: Vertical timeline inspiration
- PerspectiveMockup Perspective iPad mockup for Landing Page
- OpenSans Google Open Sans Web Font
- Notify: Angular native notification plugin
- GruntGen: Angular Grunt generator
- Spinner:Spinner svg
- SweetalertDirective: Sweet alert directive
- Peicon: A series of iOS 7 inspired vector icons
- SweetAlert: Custom alert
- Toastr: jQuery Notification plugin
- uiTree: Nestable list for AngularJS
- starRating:JQuery star rating plugin
- nestable: Drag & drop hierarchical list
- animate: Animations library
- Tour: Tour component
- ngTour: Angular directive for Tour
- xEditable: Inline edit plugin
- angularXeditable: Angular directive for xEditable
- touchSpin: special bootstrap spiner component
- datapicker: Bootstrap datapicker
- datatables: Datatables plugin
- angularDatatables: Angular directive for Datatables
- bootstrapCheckbox: Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios
- blueimp: Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery
- uiSortable: AngularJS bindings for jQuery UI Sortable
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