Admin Simplenso
Admin Simplenso, the name says it all. It is simple and clean and packed with features to use for your own backend. Admin Simplenso is built with Bootstrap at its heart. It tries to stay closely to its root so it is easy to integrate with your own customisation of the bootstrap framework. This makes it a powerful ally for any Bootstrap theme!Layout
- Fluid layout, fully responsive
- 13 pages total
- Code Documentation
- Degrades nicely to lower resolutions
- Side bar & top bar navigation
- 2 different side bar navigation menustyles (with remember function)
This template is build in a way that it supports almost any modified Bootstrap template out of the box with minor modification. To demonstrate this included are the themes for the official Bootswatch templates to show its capacity.Templates included are:
- Standard Simplenso Template
- Amelia
- Cerulean
- Journal
- Readable
- Simpex
- Slate
- Spacelab
- Spruce
- Superhero
- United
Sortable boxes with state saving
- Remembers position on screen
- Closed boxes can be remembered
- Removed boxes can be remembered
- Dialog interaction with the boxes
- Autocomplete
- Textinputs
- Multiselect
- Select boxes
- Multi file upload with preview images and gallery
- Datepicker
- Data tables
- Normal tables
Charts & Graphs
- Nicely integrated Google Charts & Graphs samples
- Image gallery
- Calendar
- Login Page
- Example pages
- Etc…
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