Download Cakefactory - Bootstrap Restaurant Theme - v1.2.5


UPGRADE Bootstrap With 365 UI Components - Boot Extended

Bootstrap Themes
  1. Minimal and Professional Restaurant theme.
  2. Inbuilt online ordering.
  3. Bootstrap navigation menu with image.
  4. Multi column dropdown menu.
  5. Revolution slider in home page ($13).
  6. Block and page headings with crown image.
  7. Items menu is of two styles.
  8. Flex slider for recent items gallery.
  9. Testimonials slider using flex slider.
  10. Gallery section with prettyPhoto lightbox.
  11. Four column footer section.
  12. Uses LESS for colors.
  13. Base file to create your own pages.
  14. Page title with background image.
  15. About us page with restaurant details and chefs details.
  16. Blog page with sidebar.
  17. Blog single page with sidebar and comments section.
  18. Items page for online order.
  19. Add to cart animation on items page.
  20. Single item page for item details and ordering.
  21. Checkout page with checkout information.
  22. Contact page with map, form, and address.
  23. Components page with list of all components.
  24. 404 error page in case if something went wrong.
  25. General page with general details like about, disclaimer, etc., in nav tabs.
  26. Menu page with food item menu and price.
  27. Nutrition info page with items nutrition values.
  28. Recipe page with recipe details.
  29. Reserve seat page with slider and reservation form.
  30. Fully based on bootstrap.
  31. Supports google web fonts.
  32. Supports font awesome icons.
  33. Fully responsive.

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