BeAdmin – Bootstrap Admin Template
Beadmin is a Bootstrap theme designed for admin templates. Built on latest version of Twitter Bootstrap 3 with new features and customizable options. All components included in this items has been developed to bring all the potential of Bootstrap plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next theme or web app project.
Multipurpose — Find the perfect solution for most of your proyects. Get covered by the features that this theme provides. Make Beadmin the starpoint of your next web app. Ideal for Project Management, Application Backend, Ticket System, Customer Service, CRM, CMS, etc.
Featured portlets — The portlets system developed for Beadmin can save the position and state (open or collapsed) into the internal browser storage. Drag and collapse panels. Refresh and see how their state is automatically saved.
Flot charts — Present your app information in a simple and easy to understand way. Display any data set with Flot Charts. Beadmin includes Area Charts, Simple and Stacked Bar Charts, Line Charts and Pie and Donuts Charts. Customize the chart by simpli editing a PHP file or provide a json file on every request.
Components — Beadmin comes with a full set of utility classes ready to create widgets for your app. Compress your user information in a single panel and customize the elements inside. All components are responsive and ready for mobile devices.

List of features
- Bootstrap 3.2.0
- +400 Retina Ready Icons by Font Awesome 4
- CSS3 Animations
- Forms
- UI Extended
- Validation ready
- File upload (php script included)
- Wizard with validation
- Widgets
- Portlets
- Autosave state and position
- jQuery Slimscroll
- Masonry Grid (css3 columns with fallback)
- CSS3 Spinners
- Condensed and Offcanvas sidebar
- Mobile fast click
- Google Map (custom styles)
- Markdown Editor with preview and fullscreen
- Datatables
- Integrated with Bootstrap styles
- Charts
- Flot Charts (json/php script included)
- Sparkline
- Radial Progress bar
- Extra Pages
- Login
- Singup
- Recover password
- Lock screen
- Extra Designs
- Mailbox
- FullCalendar
- Timeline
- Search results
- Invoice (print ready)
- CSS optimized for print
- Crossbrowser (IE9+)
- Responsive everywhere
- Mobile first components
- LESS & JADE source (Gulp file included)
- Well commented code
- Precise documentation
The following projects has been used in this item- labs.bigroomstudios.com/libraries/animo-js
- daneden.github.io/animate.css/
- getbootstrap.com/
- harvesthq.github.io/chosen/
- codemirror.net/
- tarruda.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/
- github.com/ftlabs/fastclick
- markusslima.github.io/bootstrap-filestyle/
- www.flotcharts.org/
- fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
- github.com/marioestrada/jQuery-gMap
- jquery.com/
- github.com/chjj/marked
- modernizr.com/
- momentjs.com/
- parsleyjs.org/
- www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-slider
- omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/#s-about
- timschlechter.github.io/bootstrap-tagsinput/examples/bootstrap3/
- rocha.la/jQuery-slimScroll
- datatables.net/.
- github.com/marioestrada/jQuery-gMap
- arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/
- jh3y.github.io/-cs-spinner/
- github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask
- github.com/marcuswestin/store.js/
- github.com/gilluminate/Bootstrap-Wizard
- www.getuikit.com/docs/addons_upload.html
- www.getuikit.com/docs/addons_notify.html
- www.getuikit.com/docs/addons_markdownarea.html
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