Download Controlfrog - Meaningful Metrics - v1.4.0

Meaningful metrics

Controlfrog helps you focus on your key metrics by taking them and displaying them in a meaningful, easily digestible way. Equally at home on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, TV or huge projector, Controlfrog brings clarity to your data.


  • Fully responsive - all modules work in all layouts at all sizes. There are no predefined fixed width layouts, Controlfrog simply fills as much space as it can.
  • 11 modules - and more on the way, Controlfrog provides plenty of options for displaying your data. Each module is thoroughly tested in each layout, and there are the test pages for you to see, check out the documentation for a complete list.
  • 4 Layouts - Choose from one of four layouts which have been crafted to give your data meaning.
  • 2 styles - Don't like the black theme, no problem go with the white instead!
  • Optional navigation - Whether you want to use this as a one page site, have multiple Controlfrog pages, or integrate with existing pages, you can! If needed Controlfrog provides a minimal, non obtrusive sidebar/off canvas navigation.
  • Extensive documentation - Every module explained, from the HTML used to create it as well as any JavaScript used. View the documentation.

11 Interchangeable Modules

Time and date:
Displays the current time and date in either 12hr or 24hr format.
Time and date
Single value metric and change:
Displays a single metric and a value of change, either up or down.
Single value metric and change
Single value metric, change and sparkline:
Displays a single metric, a value of change and a sparkline.
Single value metric, change and sparkline
Single value pie chart / donut:
Displays a single value pie or donut chart.
Single value pie chart / donut
Display a gauge with a needle pointing at a specified number between two bounds.
Line chart:
Displays a line chart.
Line chart
Pie chart:
Displays a pie chart with legend.
Pie chart
Displays items in a carousel. This implementation shows a how a Twitter feed might appear.
Funnel chart:
Displays a funnel of n steps with corresponding value and label.
Funnel chart
R.A.G Bars:
Displays a chart with three bars, Red, Amber and Green along with a corresponding value and label.
R.A.G Bars
Yes / No:
Displays either a big 'Yes' or a big 'No'.
Yes / No

Road Map

Development is set to continue with this theme, here are a few things on the todo list:
  • Media object (such as YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Instagram....)
  • Update function
  • Realtime charts
If you have any feedback or suggestions on where to go next, please share them with me by emailing


Also from LeapfrogUI

  • Shopfrog
    Modern E-commerce. Shopfrog brings ecommerce bang up to date for the modern web. It puts the most important thing first: the product.
  • Colorfrog
    Colorfrog is a versatile, responsive theme fit for all purposes - business, portfolio, blog or any other thing you can imagine. With four styles and a templates for almost everything—you need look no further.
  • Onefrog
    Onefrog helps you tell a meaningful story about yourself, your company or app in a clean, modern, captivating one page website.
  • Browserfrog
    Browserfrog is a completely CSS/HTML browser window frame. Put away your generic iMac, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air frames. Take the spotlight back and point it firmly at your screenshot/appshot.

Meaningful metrics

Controlfrog helps you focus on your key metrics by taking them and displaying them in a meaningful, easily digestible way. Equally at home on your phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, TV or huge projector, Controlfrog brings clarity to your data.


  • Fully responsive - all modules work in all layouts at all sizes. There are no predefined fixed width layouts, Controlfrog simply fills as much space as it can.
  • 11 modules - and more on the way, Controlfrog provides plenty of options for displaying your data. Each module is thoroughly tested in each layout, and there are the test pages for you to see, check out the documentation for a complete list.
  • 4 Layouts - Choose from one of four layouts which have been crafted to give your data meaning.
  • 2 styles - Don't like the black theme, no problem go with the white instead!
  • Optional navigation - Whether you want to use this as a one page site, have multiple Controlfrog pages, or integrate with existing pages, you can! If needed Controlfrog provides a minimal, non obtrusive sidebar/off canvas navigation.
  • Extensive documentation - Every module explained, from the HTML used to create it as well as any JavaScript used. View the documentation.

11 Interchangeable Modules

Time and date:
Displays the current time and date in either 12hr or 24hr format.
Time and date
Single value metric and change:
Displays a single metric and a value of change, either up or down.
Single value metric and change
Single value metric, change and sparkline:
Displays a single metric, a value of change and a sparkline.
Single value metric, change and sparkline
Single value pie chart / donut:
Displays a single value pie or donut chart.
Single value pie chart / donut
Display a gauge with a needle pointing at a specified number between two bounds.
Line chart:
Displays a line chart.
Line chart
Pie chart:
Displays a pie chart with legend.
Pie chart
Displays items in a carousel. This implementation shows a how a Twitter feed might appear.
Funnel chart:
Displays a funnel of n steps with corresponding value and label.
Funnel chart
R.A.G Bars:
Displays a chart with three bars, Red, Amber and Green along with a corresponding value and label.
R.A.G Bars
Yes / No:
Displays either a big 'Yes' or a big 'No'.
Yes / No

Road Map

Development is set to continue with this theme, here are a few things on the todo list:
  • Media object (such as YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Instagram....)
  • Update function
  • Realtime charts
If you have any feedback or suggestions on where to go next, please share them with me by emailing


Also from LeapfrogUI

  • Shopfrog
    Modern E-commerce. Shopfrog brings ecommerce bang up to date for the modern web. It puts the most important thing first: the product.
  • Colorfrog
    Colorfrog is a versatile, responsive theme fit for all purposes - business, portfolio, blog or any other thing you can imagine. With four styles and a templates for almost everything—you need look no further.
  • Onefrog
    Onefrog helps you tell a meaningful story about yourself, your company or app in a clean, modern, captivating one page website.
  • Browserfrog
    Browserfrog is a completely CSS/HTML browser window frame. Put away your generic iMac, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air frames. Take the spotlight back and point it firmly at your screenshot/appshot.

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