Geass - Creative Onepage Html5 Template
Geass is an awesome portfolio/photography template based on the Bootstrap Framework which comes with advanced element pages, ajax portfolio/project load, ajax contact form and much more... Geass is well documented with clean and valid coded html5/css3 that makes your work shine with awesome 3d animations.
- Responsive and tested on all modern browsers
- Html5 / Css3 Template
- Font-Awesom icons / Google Fonts
- Bootstrap 3.3.1 Based
- Ajax Portfolio Load
- Ajax Contact Form
- Revolution Slider ($14)
- Isotope Plugin ($25)
- Easy to customize with detailed Element Pages
- Blog / Blog Timeline / Blog Post pages included
- 404 Page - Portfolio Post Pages included
- Valid And Clean Coded
- Transparent / Top / Bottom / Fixed Top / Fixed bottom / Light / Dark menu options
- Awesome 3d Css3 Effects
- Support and much more
- jQuery
- Bootstrap Framework
- Stellar (For parallax background)
- jQuery Validate plugin
- Imagesloaded Plugin
- Bootstrap Switch
- Jquery Fittext plugin
- Jquery Knob plugin
- Ytplayer jquery plugin
- Hoverdir Plugin (Plugin for direction aware hover animation)
- Revolution Slider (Bought 1 extended license - Save $14)
- Owl Carousel (For carousels / home text slider)
- PrettyPhoto (Lightbox plugin)
- Selectbox Plugin (Plugin for custom selectbox)
- Isotope Plugin (Portfolio filter/sort - magical layouts plugin - Developer License $25)
- Retina.js (RDR)
- Waypoint Plugin
- Smart Resize
- Modernizr (Custom download - Some plugins required Modernizr)
- jflickrfeed (Flickr Feed Plugin)
- Tweet.js (Twitter Feed Plugin)
- Google Fonts
- Wowy.js
- Query loader plugin
- splitshire (Not included within the download file)
- unsplash (Not included within the download file)
- Subtle Patterns (Awesome background patterns)
Upcoming Features
- Dark Version
Hello! if you want me to add a new feature to Geass, please feel free to contact me and let me know your suggestions
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