Download Geass - Creative Onepage Template - v1.1

Geass - Creative Onepage Html5 Template

Geass is an awesome portfolio/photography template based on the Bootstrap Framework which comes with advanced element pages, ajax portfolio/project load, ajax contact form and much more... Geass is well documented with clean and valid coded html5/css3 that makes your work shine with awesome 3d animations.

  1. Responsive and tested on all modern browsers
  2. Html5 / Css3 Template
  3. Font-Awesom icons / Google Fonts
  4. Bootstrap 3.3.1 Based
  5. Ajax Portfolio Load
  6. Ajax Contact Form
  7. Revolution Slider ($14)
  8. Isotope Plugin ($25)
  9. Easy to customize with detailed Element Pages
  10. Blog / Blog Timeline / Blog Post pages included
  11. 404 Page - Portfolio Post Pages included
  12. Valid And Clean Coded
  13. Transparent / Top / Bottom / Fixed Top / Fixed bottom / Light / Dark menu options
  14. Awesome 3d Css3 Effects
  15. Support and much more
  1. jQuery
  2. Bootstrap Framework
  3. Stellar (For parallax background)
  4. jQuery Validate plugin
  5. Imagesloaded Plugin
  6. Bootstrap Switch
  7. Jquery Fittext plugin
  8. Jquery Knob plugin
  9. Ytplayer jquery plugin
  10. Hoverdir Plugin (Plugin for direction aware hover animation)
  11. Revolution Slider (Bought 1 extended license - Save $14)
  12. Owl Carousel (For carousels / home text slider)
  13. PrettyPhoto (Lightbox plugin)
  14. Selectbox Plugin (Plugin for custom selectbox)
  15. Isotope Plugin (Portfolio filter/sort - magical layouts plugin - Developer License $25)
  16. Retina.js (RDR)
  17. Waypoint Plugin
  18. Smart Resize
  19. Modernizr (Custom download - Some plugins required Modernizr)
  20. jflickrfeed (Flickr Feed Plugin)
  21. Tweet.js (Twitter Feed Plugin)
  22. Google Fonts
  23. Wowy.js
  24. Query loader plugin
  25. splitshire (Not included within the download file)
  26. unsplash (Not included within the download file)
  27. Subtle Patterns (Awesome background patterns)

Upcoming Features
  • Dark Version

Hello! if you want me to add a new feature to Geass, please feel free to contact me and let me know your suggestions

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