Flanzo | Responsive HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 3 Template
Flanzo is a super lightweight, fully responsive and crossbrowser HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 3 template.Easy to get started and full of features, custom and responsive sliders to show your content (Chrome-Browser, Imac and Iphone), working contact form, pricetables, retina ready hover effects, Filterable Portfolio, Responsive lightbox, Google Maps integration and a clean blog page.
- Chrome-Browser Slider
- Imac-Slider
- Font-Awesome icon integrated tab function
- Working Ajax contact form
- Filterable Portfolio
- Fully responsive, CSS based Pricing table
- 2 homepage options
- Blog page
- Retina ready hover effects with icons.
- Google Maps integration.
- Crossbrowser compatible
- Documentation
Google WebFontOpen Sans
Animate.css website
Font-Awesome website
JS Plugins
Image credits
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