Everest is Bootstrap 3 Admin Template
with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next project. It provides
an easy to use modern user interface design and a fully responsive
layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and

- Bootstrap v3.2.0
- Fully Responsive
- Sass file Included
- Timeline
- Blog
- Gallery
- Calendar
- Super Easy customization
- Collapsible Left Navigation
- Graphs (Flot, Sparkline)
- Bootstrap Components
- Grid
- Icons
- Sliders
- WYSIWYG Editors
- Typography
- Buttons
- Icons
- Grid
- Alert & Animated Notification
- Tabs & Accordions
- List group & Panels
- Charts - Graphs & Maps
- CSS3 Animations
- Forms
- Fancy Checkboxes
- Validations
- Editors
- Profile
- Invoice
- Login
- Error
- ToDos
- Editors
- Blank page
- Static Tables
- Data Tables
- Users list
- Maps and many more...
- http://jqueryui.com
- http://getbootstrap.com
- http://daneden.me/animate
- http://fontawesome.io/icons/
- http://www.jqueryui.com
- http://datatables.net
- http://jqueryui.com
- http://fabien-d.github.io/alertify.js/
- http://flotcharts.org/
- https://github.com/markgoodyear/scrollup
- http://momentjs.com/
- http://www.eyecon.ro/bootstrap-slider
- http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline
- http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar
- http://jvectormap.com/download
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