![Deluxer 2015 image](https://d1dlf4qvtlhqrp.cloudfront.net/slurp?i=http%3A%2F%2Farnique.net%2Fdemos%2Fthemes%2Fdeluxer%2Fv1-4%2Fpromo2.jpg)
Multipurpose Templates
This theme contains templates for portfolio, business and e-commerce purposes with more coming soon. A single page template is also included.
Sass Ready
Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax.
The original Sass files used to create the template have been included and neatly organised in sub folders.
A well organised CSS3 file is also available for those who prefer working with regular CSS style sheets.
Bootstrap Friendly Carousels With Unlimitted Break Points!
This theme includes a bootstrap friendly slider that can uhandle unlimitted break points. The implementation is dead simple as well and relies on a simple data attribute as shown below:
data-breaks="[{screen:460, slides:2, pager:false}, {screen:768, slides:4, pager:true}]"
See how easy it is! This one line will save you tonnes of complicated code and do the following:- automatically calculate the slide width and space the slides
- only show 2 slides when the minimum screen is 460px
- disable the pager when the minimum screen is 460px
- only show 4 slides when the minimum screen is 768px
- enable the pager when the minimum screen is 768px
- Fully Responsive
- Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Latest Font Awesome Icons
- Pure CSS theming
- Pre made Color Themes
- Responsive Carousels with unlimited break points!
- Ecommerce Pages
- Sass Ready
- Home
- About
- Services
- Testimonials
- Portfolio
- Price tables
- Blog
- Blog Post
- Contact
- 404
- Side Navigation
- Login
- Registration
- Shop Home Page
- Shopping Cart
- Products Category Page
- Product Details Page
- Shop Contact
- Shop FAQ
- Shop Side Navigation
- One Page Site
The images used in this theme are licensed for free use and were sourced from the following flickr users.
- DM Sumon
- Another Vision
- Dan Rocha
- Yuri Samoilov
- Ivan McClellan
- Alaskan Dude
- Timothy Marsee
- Steven Santiago
Links to the image sources are included in the documentaion
Script Credits
The scripts used are open source and are provided by the following users.
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