Ditinggal Rabi is a responsive wedding invitation themes. This theme is suitable for inviting friends to the wedding.
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
- Easing js
- Respond js
- Colorbox js
- Html5shiv js
- GMap3
- FontAwesome
- Google Font dancing script, eb garamond, raleway
Browser Support
- Latest Firefox
- Latest Opera
- Latest Chrome
- IE 9,10
- Latest Safari
- Images : <http://500px.com/,> unsplash.com/
- FontAwesome : fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- Bootstrap : getbootstrap.com/
- GMap3 : gmap3.net
- JQuery : jquery.com/
- Google Font : Google fonts dancing script, eb garamond, raleway <http://www.google.com/fonts>
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