Download Black Forest Admin Template - v1.0

Note: Built with SASS
Black Forest is a responsive admin dashboard template powered with Twitter Bootstrap Framework for admin and backend applications. Black Forest has smart, clean and intuitive design which makes your next project look awesome and user friendly. It comes with a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works in all major web browsers, tablets and phones. You will find too many options with this admin theme.
Note: Images are only for demo purpose.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome and will play a big part in shaping BlackForest admin in the future.
Main Features
  • Sass is used to make the css code more easily manageable,
  • Used 7 variables in Sass for theming,
  • More UI features,
  • Organized and well written code,
  • Beautiful and responsive design that will look good on most screen sizes.
Templates and features
  1. Dashboard - Current status, Column chart, Featured posts with scrollbar, Stylish stats, Area chart, Quick post with editor, Comments, Todo's, Blog post style and Sparkline bars.
  2. Forms - Date picker, Color picker, Time picker, Date range, Registration forms, Horizontal forms, Wysihtml5 editor, Fluid forms, Validation states, Inputs, Custom select controls, Custom checkbox & radio, custom input controls with & without appended / prepended elements, Toggle (on/off).
  3. Charts - Area charts, Line chart, Pie chart, Geo chart, Bubble chart, Column chart, Animated pie chatrs, Candlestick chart and Table chart.
  4. UI Elements - Beautiful notifications, Buttons, Dropdowns, Radio button tabs, 3 different modals, Folio with left tabs, Tabs, Metro navigation, Breadcrumb, CSS3 animated progress bar, Navbars, Clean notifications, Accordion, Tooltips, Popovers, 12 columns responsive grid, Pagination, CSS3 Doc Icons, Simple Menu, Progress bars, Labels and badges and Block level buttons.
  5. Icons - Icomoon, Fancy tooltips and Loading.
  6. Tables - Simple table, Colspan table, Dynamic table, Mailbox, Deletable table row, Table colored and Table hover.
  7. Gallery - Responsive gallery, Thumbnail gallery with modal and Different thumbnail sizes.
  8. Typography - Headings, Paragraphs, Blockquotes, List styles, Text colors, Horizontal description style.
  9. Extras : Login, Signup, Calendar

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